My approach to coaching combines my lifelong experience in marriage, parenting, teaching and leading to open up real conversations, help individuals and couples find better understanding of how to trust, love and connect at a deeper level with self and others. I love to bring the best out in people to Dare2b true to themselves, to discover their potential and any blocks that are in the way of living in peace with purpose and fulfilment.
My mission is to help people do what they do with love and I love to work with people to resolve conflicts within and with others. My experience in working with men and adolescent boys over 30+ years has proven that men feel judged and inadequate when it comes to expressing how they feel, so they don’t talk. Women tend to turn to others when problems arise. Avoiding conflict doesn’t solve anything, especially when silence and rejection become the norm. Together we work to find win-win solutions that put the fun and passion back into their relationships.
I am a lifelong learner who strives to improve in every aspect of my life and I’ve been on a mission to learn trust myself, love myself and to connect to my higher self. This work has led me to an amazing place where my marriage of 43 years is blossoming, my life is full of new beginnings.
I am excited to share and influence business owners, parents, leaders and young adults to create a compelling future with ideal relationships.
My qualification as a Master Practitioner of Coaching is backed up by a suite of proven coaching techniques to suit your needs: a qualified EDISC behaviour profiler, you will understand your triggers and learn how you can improve communication; NLP Master Practitioner and Conscious Hypnosis for mindset and belief; mBIT – using your multiple brains to stop overthinking and start using your gut instinct and compassionate heart.
I get how having to close off your feelings and man up has blocked your emotional awareness.
With my Dare2b coaching model, I enable a process of discovering and overcoming whatever is holding you back, so you can be your best self, relaxed and happy in your own skin.
Giving me a call to arrange a free introductory session could be the best decision you ever make.